This blog post will provide some further updates regarding the holistic review of the TAE Training Package being undertaken by PWC Skills, as this is a hot topic at the moment, and the following information will give you some insight into what the proposed changes will be.
We won’t go into depth (you can access all of the draft TAE Training Product changes at the end of this article ) but in summary:
- The background to the Case for change began due to the rapid move by providers to online delivery during the 2020 – 2021 COVID-19. pandemic.
ASQA’s interim report on provider activity showed that online assessment in VET has increased dramatically in the last year as a result of COVID-19, with 90 per cent of the 3178 people participating in ASQA’s Webinars on Online Learning stating that they had moved some of the training or assessment they delivered online. See: ASQA Overview - Additionally, it was found that between 23 March 2020 and 31 May 2020, 1,132 providers notified ASQA of an intention to vary their on-site delivery arrangements. Further, 1,008 providers notified ASQA that they were offering all, or a number of, their courses via online delivery arrangements either instead of, or in addition to, face to face classes.
- The IRC has assessed that a different set of skills and knowledge are required to train and assess in an online environment, which is not adequately addressed in the existing TAE Training and Education Training Package.
- Initially, the Education IRC proposed creating 2 new e-assessment units of competency and one e-assessment skill set to address the above industry need. Further consultation however indicated that the sector required the creation of products that reflect skills in both online training and online assessment.
- Consequently, the IRC determined that new units for both training and assessment were required, rather than 2 assessment units. The IRC has determined that the level 5 unit originally identified for development would be
better considered as part of the TAE holistic review.
So what are the new units?
PWC Skills has undertaken an online learning and assessment project where they will:
- Create one new online learning unit of competency called: TAEDEL405 Plan, organise and facilitate online learning
- Create one new online assessment unit of competency called: TAEASS404 Assess competence in an online environment
- Create one new online learning and assessment skill set called: TAESS00023 Online Learning and Assessment Skill Set
Will the TAE Training Package change?
So far, the draft revisions to the TAE Training Package (Version 3.3) do not indicate that the core packaging rules will change, this means that there are still 9 core units and 1 elective unit. The bank of elective units will increase to include the new online learning and assessment units.
Can I find out more about this?
You sure can… Please access PWC Skills website: Education TAE here
February 4, 2025
February 4, 2025