How and When to Upgrade Your Certificate IV TAE

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How and When to Upgrade Your Certificate IV TAE
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Understanding the Standards for RTO’s (especially in regards to trainer credentials requirements) can be very confusing.

The following information will outline the difference between adding the two core units to your existing TAE40110 Certificate IV or going the whole hog and upgrading to the new TAE40116 Certificate IV Training and Assessment.

There is a difference and it’s explained below.

At the Qualification level:

The new TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment is not equivalent to the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment.  Instead of 7 core and 3 elective units, we now have 9 core units (TAELLN411 and TAEASS502 are the new kids on the block) and only one elective.

At the unit level:

While the DEL, DES and LLN units have remained equivalent, there are some important changes to some of the ASS units that are worth knowing about.

TAEASS401 – Plan assessment activities and processes and TAEASS403 – Participate in assessment validation will require the provision of additional evidence to be able to demonstrate competency in these units.

The Standards for RTOs (2015) require that since April of 2019, all Trainers/Assessors possess either:

  • TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment, which includes TAELLN411 and TAEASS502, OR
  • TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment, plus TAELLN411 and TAEASS502, or their equivalent predecessors.

What this means is that you do not absolutely have to have the TAE40116 Certificate IV TAE.  We can assist you to complete just the TAELLN411 and TAEASS502 units if that is all you are looking to gain.

What do I need to do to show competency for the FULL upgrade to the TAE40116?

In addition to providing evidence of completing the TAE40110, you will provide the following:

TAEASS401 – Performance Evidence

Evidence that you have planned and organised 3 further assessment processes (one of them an RPL assessment) against three units of competency. These will need to be different units of competency to those used as the basis for your assessment plans in your TAE40110.

This is a little different from a whole assessment tool as you do not need to conduct the assessment, or record or report assessment decisions. You will, however, need to show the following evidence as part of your RPL application:

  • You are documenting an assessment plan using a different endorsed or accredited unit of competency (or clusters of units of competency) for each of the three occasions.  One of these must be for an RPL Assessment pathway.
  • Your contextualising of the unit(s) of competency and the selected assessment instruments.
  • Your incorporation of reasonable adjustment strategies.
  • Your development of suitable assessment instruments.

TAEASS403 – Performance Evidence

Evidence of participating in 3 validations of Assessment Tools against the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence.

For BOTH ASS401/ASS403 – Knowledge Evidence

Evidence of your current competency across the Knowledge Evidence of the two units

What does this mean for Upgrading?

If you do not already possess LLN411 or ASS502, then you may wish to complete those as Standalone units and Fortress Learning offers both of these units as Standalone and via Coursework or RPL.  Click here for details.

Alternatively, you can enrol for one of our Upgrades (which Upgrade depends on the units you already hold as part of your TAE40110) and gain the TAE40116 Certificate IV TAE. Click here for details.

When should you Upgrade?

There is never a better time than now!

If you would like to talk it through, then be in touch by filling in our Contact Form at the bottom of this page.


February 4, 2025


February 4, 2025

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