Well, it’s TAE update time.
If you have been reading our previous newsletters, you will know that the TAE Training Package has been under review for some time.
Well, the news has finally arrived that there have been some changes, some pretty big changes in fact and the PWC Skills has now released its Version 1 draft revised material to the public to gain feedback.
To access the entire Training Product changes, please click HERE.
The following article will break down the major changes.
Change 1: Endorsement of a new Skill Set
- The new TAESS00023 Online Learning and Assessment Skill Set has now been endorsed. What does endorsed mean? This means that very soon you will be able to see the units and the skill set on training.gov.au. RTOs can begin offering the skillset and it’s a great one to hold as it allows for an understanding of planning, organising and facilitating online learning and also assessing competence in an online environment (Something a lot of us have moved towards in recent years).
Change 2: Changes to the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
The TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment now becomes the TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
There are a number of changes related to the new Certificate and for an in-depth review, please click on the link above to take you to the entire training product materials for review.
The big changes are:
- The packaging rules have changed from 9 core units and 1 elective to 7 core units and 5 electives. Yes, you heard it right, there are now 12 units in the new Cert IV TAE.
- A fabulous addition is the new core unit: TAEPDD401 Work effectively in vocational education and training. This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work within the vocational education and training (VET) sector policy and operational context, including working with registered training organisations (RTOs) and applying a learner-centred approach. This is much needed as many students currently completing the Cert IV are not well prepared to enter the world of working within RTOs ( especially in regards to maintaining industry currency and attending professional development activities)
- The good news, is that the new TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is equivalent to the TAE40116, this means you will not necessarily need to upgrade right away, but we would highly encourage anyone with TAE40110 to upgrade to the TAE40116 soon.
- TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools has now become an elective unit (TAEASS512 Design and develop assessment tools*) and it now has a prerequisite entry requirement that requires that students first complete the new non-equivalent core unit: TAEASS413 Participate in assessment moderation and validation
When will this all become a reality?
No need to worry quite yet. PWC skills are currently calling for feedback from industry by May 30th 2022.
- You can submit your feedback via this survey AND / OR
- Submit your feedback or marked-up documents to info@skillsforaustralia.com
Once the feedback has been reviewed (and we are anticipating A LOT of feedback) the changes will need to be endorsed and then there will be a transition “teach-out” period of 12 – 18 months. If you currently hold the new TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, you may not need to worry at all as it is deemed an equivalent Qualification.
However, Fortress will be working hard over the coming year or two to start developing the new Qualification so when and if you do decide to upgrade, and when the new Cert IV TAE is endorsed, we will be here ready to assist.
Next month we will look at the proposed changes to the Diploma and until then ” In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” Abraham Maslow
February 4, 2025
February 4, 2025