The Fortress Learning TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment uses the following questions to assess the Required Knowledge and some aspects of the Underpinning Skills of the two units of competency that form the Design Field.
During the course, many of the actual questions are presented in tables which means that they might not make complete sense in this list. However, you will gain an appreciation for what is involved.
- What is the purpose of VET?
- Give a brief history of VET in Australia (optional).
- Complete the following table to list the four aims for VET in Australia, and explain how each of these aims might help VET to achieve its purpose? [The first one has been done for you]
- Describe the difference between the VET Quality Framework and the AQF.
- When researching Units of Competency, where would you go first? (Hint: it is a website)
- Which opportunities to contribute to VET policy may be available to you in your job? (optional).
- Why should you contribute to policy development? How will contribution from RTOs help policy development? (Note: the answer to this one is not immediately obvious in the text. Instead, you will need to think about the information that has been provided.) (optional).
- How might Esmeralda have become aware of changes to the Training Package?
- Find and name a publication that you could subscribe to that would provide current information for the VET sector.
- List three organisations that Hamoud could contact to access information about competency-based training and assessment.
- What advantages will Hamoud’s company gain by consulting with key stakeholders and other training managers before introducing competency-based training?
- Complete the following table to outline the different responsibilities of any four of the organisations and stakeholders described on this wiki page.
- What is a Training Package?
- List three examples of current Training Packages, being sure to include their full code and title (eg, TAE10 Training & Education Training Package).
- How do Training Packages benefit businesses and workers?
- Why would someone choose to use an informal competency standard instead of a formal competency standard?
- What are the two components of the National Skills Framework?
- How does each of these components help the VET system to achieve national consistency in the quality of training? [you might want to refer to Task 1, Q3 to refresh your memory]
- How does Quality Assurance help to achieve national consistency in the quality of training?
- How do you think each of the following things might help an RTO to achieve the required standards of quality: [the first one has been done for you] (optional).
- How does continuous improvement help an RTO to maintain its quality?
- If you were Edward, what advice would you give Eileen and Garry?
- For any TWO of the following situations, determine the training need, and recommend one (1) Qualification that would be appropriate. Clearly, you will not have all of the information that you need, so also indicate what additional information you would require to provide a quality recommendation in each situation, and how you get this information. The first one has been done for you as an example
- Why did the Australian Qualifications Framework remove boundaries between schools, vocational education providers, industry and universities?
- Fortress Learning is a Registered Training Organisation. What could happen to Fortress Learning is we did not follow the Qualification Packaging Rules?
- Refer to the earlier question about Simone, Greg, Erica and Sally. For any one of these people, identify a Training Package and a possible Qualification that could help them to achieve their goals. List the qualification rules.
- Write your answer in the form of a memo to this person, and include a hyperlink to the source/s of your information. An example is provided for you.
- Which part of the competency standard will give you information about … [the first one has been done for you]
- What are some of the benefits of delivering and assessing competency standards in a holistic way: for the learner, for the trainer, for the learner’s employer?
- How can the Dimensions of Competency section help us decide if a Unit is suitable for a client?
- When it comes to deciding whether a Unit of Competency is suitable for our particular clients, what do we need to look for in terms of Language, Literacy and Numeracy?
- Consider the following situation. (optional).
- Based ONLY on the information provided here (ie Unit code and title), review each of the units that Allen has identified, and choose which two are the most suitable (Rank 1 and 2), and which two are the least suitable (Rank 7 and 8). [Hint: think about: is the AQF level of the unit suitable for Joseph; is the content of the unit suitable for Joseph as well as for Allen’s business; is the unit going to be within Joseph’s literacy ability?]
- What is contextualisation?
- How can contextualisation benefit: the learner, the learner’s employer?
- When contextualizing, what things can be added?
- When contextualizing, what things may not be added?
- When contextualizing, who can we seek advice from, and why is it important to do so?
- List 4 ways that you could contextualize the following Unit of Competency: AHCLSK324A – Care for and train working dogs [one way has been provided for you as an example]
- Define the word ‘hazard’?
- Describe 3 of the possible hazards that you might encounter when delivering/assessing each of the following units of competency, and classify each (eg, physical, ergonomic, etc). [some ideas have been added for you as examples] (optional).
- As a trainer, what do you think your responsibilities are for each of the Six Steps of Hazard Management? [Step 4 has been completed for you as an example]
- When it comes to assessing, what kinds of things do we need to think about to make sure that we meet our clients’ needs?
- As a trainer, what do you think your responsibilities are for each of the Seven Steps for Planning Assessment?
- Client and trainer/assessor share responsibility for the assessment planning process. What could be the role of each person in each of the following things? [Two boxes have been completed for you as an example] (optional).
- Gary and the other Office Assistants are going to need some training. What is the purpose of the training?
- Do you think this training is best delivered as group training, individual training, or a combination? Why?
- Obviously, there is not enough information for us to be able to plan this training. What questions do you need to ask, and who should you ask them before beginning to plan this training? The first one has been done as an example.
- When it comes to planning training, what sorts of information about your learner group is useful, and how can we find it out?
- People are sometimes shy. This is often the case with people who have particular learning or other support needs. How could you find out if a person has any particular support needs in such a way that you do not embarrass them?
- Why do we even need to bother with finding out the characteristics of our learners, and what could happen if we did not cater to their needs?
- For any THREE of the following situations, identify the characteristics that affect learning, and suggest specific ways that your training can be adapted to meet the learner’s need. The first has been done as an example.
- Why is the lack of direction/boundaries a problem for David?
- What are the three components of a Scope Statement?
- Imagine you are tasked with developing a program for women who are returning to the workforce and need to learn basic computer skills. Write a Scope Statement for this program.
- At what stage of our planning should we write a Scope Statement?
- What is the difference between a formal and informal competency standard, and when would we choose to use each?
- Develop an informal competency standard based on one of the following tasks: (optional).
- When it comes to writing learning objectives, what is the purpose of a Task Analysis?
- Construct a Task Analysis for a skill that is required in a unit of competency of your choosing (Include the Unit’s title and a hyperlink to its location on the website).
- Define SMART.
- For each of the following objectives, state whether it is a SMART objective or not, and explain how it could be helpful or unhelpful for trainers/users.
- What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using existing resources in our training?
- What are some of the learner support needs for which we commonly need to provide additional resourcing?
- Why is a Learning Strategy not considered an Endorsed part of a Training Package?
- When developing a Learning Strategy, what are some of the things that we need to consider, and give an example of how this thing might influence our choice of Learning Pathway?
- List at least 4 general questions that you would include in your survey so that you could construct a Learner Profile:
- List at least 4 questions that are specific to this unit that you would include in your survey so that you could construct a Learner Profile (an example is provided):
- Once the training has begun, what can you do to ensure that your participants are able to communicate any needs that they might have?
- Which of these theories do you think offers the best insight into how adults learn, and how will knowing this theory affect your delivery of training and assessment?
- Further down, this page also introduces 8 principles of adult learning. List the principles, and FOR ANY THREE OF THEM give an example of how you could incorporate it when training a group about workplace evacuation procedures.
- What are the three major constraints that affect our training?
- What is the difference between a risk and a constraint?
- Which communication skills can you use to reduce the impact of risks and constraints on your planned training and/or assessment? (optional).
- What does this graph tell us about our learners’ experiences of training?
- How does knowing this influence your planning of training?
- What are the key features of a session plan?
- How can the GLOSS OFF sequence help us develop session plans?
- How can organisational factors help and hinder the timing of our session plans? An example is provided.
- How can the learners themselves help and hinder the timing of our session plans?
- How can our own judgement help and hinder the timing of our session plans? (optional).
- When it comes time to decide how much time to allocate to each of the activities that we plan to include in our delivery, how should we make our decision?
- What could happen if we don’t confirm our intentions prior to delivering some training for a client?
- This page of the wiki lists eight things that we include in a Program Summary. List the 8 things, and FOR ANY THREE OF THEM list some of the things that we might need to confirm with our client.
- Reviewing can occur before and after the program’s delivery. Complete the following table to indicate some of the things that you will review before and after, and who you would involve.
- What has reviewing the program got to do with Continuous Improvement and the VET Quality Framework?
February 4, 2025
February 4, 2025
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