Every now and then, a graduating student writes a review that we believe really captures what we try to do. Instead of them ending up hidden among the others, we will share them with you, and try to explain why we think they are so appropriate.
What did they say?
Q. What didn’t work for you?
Having to be self-motivated when life is throwing other distractions at you – full time work, family commitments etc.
Q. What advice would you give to others considering studying this course in this way?
Decide why you want to do this. What is your goal? What do you want to get from the course and how will it help you achieve your goal. What does success look like for you once you have completed this course? This becomes your WHY. Use your WHY to keep motivating yourself – it’s a step towards your goal. Take it in steps, bite size chunks are easier to digest than swallowing it whole!
Q. Is there anything else you’d like to include?
The squeaky gate gets the oil! Online study can be isolating but it doesn’t need to be. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or support.
Why did this particular testimonial comment get our attention?
Very honest and very wise, Tara McGhee. Online learning is tough, and while the concept of flexible, self-paced study sounds helpful and breezy, it can backfire when, as Tara says, “life is throwing other distractions at you.” Very easily, ‘flexibility’ and ‘self-paced’ can mean you put your study on the back burner with the intention that you’ll ‘get to it later.’
Online, independent learning means the ball is in your court – motivation and discipline have to come from you first. Tara’s advice to make sure that you fully understand why you are studying is wonderful. We won’t delude you – our courses can be challenging; the content may be dry and the projects can seem mountainous at first – but, as Tara so beautifully puts it, “use your WHY to keep motivating you… Take it in steps, bite-sized chunks are easier.”
We agree. And, when you need a hand… when your brain is groggy and you’re unsure of things? Listen to Tara: “Don’t be afraid to ask for help.”
February 4, 2025
February 4, 2025