What It Means To Graduate With A Certificate IV TAE With Fortress Learning

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What It Means To Graduate With A Certificate IV TAE With Fortress Learning
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Two of the most common questions we receive from prospective students for the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment are:

  • what does the course involve?
  • how does your course differ from any of the others that are around?

We can answer the first one, but it is not really our desire to comment on what other training organisations do. There are more than 100 Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) who are able to deliver the Certificate IV TAE, so there are bound to be some variations, there is bound to be something for everyone, and there is no way that every one of them will be able to meet the needs of every student.

That makes it hard for you to choose.

All we can do is to provide as much information as possible so that at least you can make an informed decision about us.

The benchmarks we use are part of that information.

Fortress Learning’s TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment is a comprehensive treatment of the Units of Competency that are stipulated within the TAE Training & Assessment Training Package. A graduate of the Fortress Learning Certificate IV TAE will demonstrate a broad range of knowledge and skills and do so at the required AQF Level 4.

This might seem like a lot of information, but this information is what makes choosing Fortress the best option for you. You will learn not only what it means to teach and assess VET Qualifications, but you will also learn the why, the what, and the how of the VET sector, giving you the confidence to walk into that new job interview with the knowledge and skills you need to get the job done.

The following list shows the benchmarks that each graduate of the Fortress Learning TAE Certificate IV has demonstrated.

Benchmarks that relate to the DESIGN Field

  • VET and its purposes are defined, and its history in Australia is described in general terms
  • The aims of VET are known, and how these benefit the purpose of VET is explained
  • VET Quality Framework and AQF are defined and the difference between the two is known
  • Sources of information about VET are identified, as are opportunities to contribute to the development of VET policy
  • Organisations that may assist with vocational delivery/assessment are identified, and the benefits to training quality of collaborating with stakeholders is known
  • Key stakeholders involved in own training are identified, and their impact on own training are described
  • Training Package is defined, and examples are listed, and their benefits to employers and employees are outlined
  • Reasons for choosing to use an informal competency standard are outlined
  • The components of the National Skills Framework are known, and the role of the VET Quality Framework in achieving the goals of the NSF is explained
  • Quality Assurance and its role in achieving the goals of the National Skills Framework is known
  • The way in which common RTO procedures/processes support the goals of the National Skills Framework are explained
  • The role of continuous improvement in supporting an RTO to meet the goals of the National Skills Framework is known
  • Continuous improvement is defined and its benefits for VET are stated
  • Strategies to employ continuous improvement practices in hypothetical situations are outlined
  • Ability to unpack a Training Package is demonstrated by recommending appropriate training options in a variety of unfamiliar situations
  • The information needed to make quality recommendations is known, and ways to obtain this information are listed
  • Structure of the AQF is known, and pathways through it are described
  • Knowledge of the role of packaging rules is demonstrated through the ability to unpack a Training Package to find a suitable qualification for a hypothetical client
  • Components of a unit of competency and the information that they provide are known
  • The benefits of holistic assessment of multiple units of competency are known
  • Ability to evaluate suitability of a unit of competency for a given client is demonstrated
  • Contextualisation is defined, and its benefits described for a range of stakeholders.
  • Limitations to what can and cannot be added when contextualizing are known, as is sources of support/information to assist when contextualizing for client need
  • Ability to contextualise a Unit of Competency is demonstrated
  • Ability to identify possible hazards, and classify their type, within a range of training situations is demonstrated
  • The six steps of hazard management, and personal responsibility for each, is known
  • The needs of clients are able to be identified prior to assessment
  • Trainer responsibilities for the seven steps in the assessment planning process are explained
  • Roles of client and trainer in assessment planning process are understood
  • Ability to identify purpose of training is demonstrated
  • Format for training is evaluated based on the identified purpose
  • Knowledge of information needed to make learning program decisions is evident through questions that would be asked
  • Fundamental learner information is known and ways to access it discretely is known
  • Knowledge of the need to include learner characteristics in training design and delivery is demonstrated, and the implications of not doing so are discussed
  • Characteristics of learners are recognised, and ways to accommodate them when delivering training are outlined
  • The need for clear boundaries when planning a program of training is known
  • The elements of a scope statement are listed, and the ability to apply these to hypothetical situations is demonstrated by writing scope statements
  • The difference between formal and informal competency standards is known, as is the appropriate use of each
  • Ability to develop an informal competency standard based on a common tasks is demonstrated
  • Purpose of task analyses is known as it relates to writing learning objectives
  • Ability to undertake task analyses for an accredited competency standard is demonstrated
  • The SMART acronym is defined, and sample learning objectives are evaluated to determine the extent to which they are SMART
  • Whether a learning objective is helpful or otherwise is evaluated in terms of the SMART acronym
  • Advantages and disadvantages of using existing resources are listed
  • Criteria to gauge relevance of resources are evaluated in light of own training needs
  • Sources of additional support/information to ensure appropriateness of resources, and of their suitability for common learning support requirements, are known
  • Components of Training Packages are explained
  • Knowledge of factors influencing choice of learning pathway are known, and their possible influence on the choice is described
  • Knowledge of the types of useful information about a learner or group of learners is demonstrated through development of a survey
  • The benefits of designing training based on an understanding of adult learning theories are described
  • Theories of adult learning are listed and each is able to be incorporated into a training situation
  • Risk and constraint are defined, and the major constraints are known
  • The role of communication skills in reducing risks and constraints is explained
  • Likely attention span of adult learners is known and its implications for planning training are described
  • Components of a session plan are known, and a template is developed demonstrating a knowledge of how these link together
  • Benefits of using a structured approach to session planning are explained
  • Factors that help and hinder the organisation of session plans are known, and ways to ensure that session plan timing can be upheld are described
  • The need to make considered decisions about how much time to allocate to each component of a session is explained
  • Implications of not recording assessment decisions are known
  • Information needed, and role of client, in each of the eight parts of a Program Summary are known
  • Aspects of program delivery to be reviewed before and after delivery are known, as are the people whose participating in the review process would prove beneficial
  • The role of program review as a part of continuous improvement and the VET Quality Framework is known

Benchmarks that relate to the DELIVER Field

  • Legal and ethical responsibilities associated with activities common within the training industry are known
  • Extent of personal action required in response to legal and ethical responsibilities is known
  • People and groups involved in seeking feedback are known, and the types of feedback and ways to obtain it are described.
  • The role of self-reflection, and ways to do this, are known
  • Strategies to recognise and respect individual difference are known, as are sources of additional information to support us in doing so
  • Common ways of judging people are known, and ways to personally avoid the negative effects of doing so are described
  • Principles of inclusivity are known, and strategies to ensure that they are upheld are demonstrated
  • Respectful and disrespectful verbal and nonverbal communications are identified
  • Reflection on own skills in responding to learners is evident through development of strategies to respond to situations that are identified as likely to be challenging
  • The purpose of contingency planning is known, and its implications for training and assessment are described
  • The role of other people in providing appropriate support to learners is known, and the situations where commonly available support services would be accessed are indicated
  • Adverse impacts of supporting learners within a workplace are identified and strategies to reduce or remove these are described
  • Knowledge of benefits of training is demonstrated through recommending a course of action to gain approval for training in a hypothetical situation
  • Forms of support for learning and encouragement for participation in learning are known
  • Strategies to provide feedback to candidates in a supportive manner are described
  • Ability to guide feedback using a structured process is demonstrated in a hypothetical situation
  • Information requirements of learners are described, and the implications of not doing so are known
  • Visual and aural indicators of harmony are known
  • Strategies to enhance harmony during common AV presentations are offered
  • Ability to interpret a Unit of Competency to identify the knowledge and skill components is demonstrated through unpacking an unfamiliar unit
  • Appropriate strategies to deliver knowledge and skills are known
  • Visual and aural indicators of common levels of learner engagement are known
  • The need for considered decision making to ensure delivery methods achieve the intended learning outcomes is explained
  • The ability to select learning activities appropriate to a range of action words is demonstrated
  • Ability to evaluate presentations in terms of level of engaging use of AV resources is demonstrated
  • Strategies to improve the suitability of AV resources for a given training situation are developed
  • Facilitation is defined and its relevance to adult learning is described
  • Knowledge of facilitation skills is demonstrated through evaluation of own familiarity with them, and development of a strategy to become familiar with all of them
  • Internal record and external record is defined, and the differences between the two are known
  • Types of internal records and external records that are to be kept are listed
  • Coaching and mentoring practices are known, and their link to the principle of continuous improvement is explained
  • Knowledge of a range of techniques to support individual learners is demonstrated in a variety of unfamiliar situations
  • The role of leadership in learning is demonstrated through explanation of training situations in which different leadership styles are appropriate
  • Reflection on own leadership style is demonstrated through an awareness of its influence on personal training
  • Ability to solve problems using a structured process is demonstrated in an unfamiliar situation
  • The role of trust and ethical actions in supporting learning is explained
  • The role of organisation in meeting learning goals is described
  • Knowledge of personal management skills needed to support learning and learners are demonstrated through reflection on self
  • Awareness of potential interpersonal issues between trainer/trainee are identified, and appropriate strategies outlined in response
  • Strategies to encourage learner empowerment and self direction beyond the training event are known
  • Knowledge of the difference between internal and external components is demonstrated through evaluation of how best to deliver an unfamiliar Unit of Competency
  • Choice of when to deliver internally and when to deliver externally is justified
  • Integration and synchronisation are defined, and their role in delivering training is explained
  • Criteria that could be used to evaluate a possible learning program are devised
  • Ability to evaluate information needed by learners is demonstrated through review of personal experience
  • Ideal information type, source and modes of communication are recommended
  • The nature of mandatory workplace learning is understood, and its advantages and disadvantages are discussed
  • Strategies to improve effectiveness of workplace learning are described using examples
  • Importance of determining and monitoring learner readiness is explained, and strategies to do so are outlined.
  • The contribution of determining and monitoring learner readiness to continuous improvement is explained
  • Knowledge of strategies to elicit learner understanding and enhance transferability of knowledge/skills is demonstrated in unfamiliar situations

Benchmarks that relate to the ASSESS Field

  • Types of records to be recorded in the assessment process are listed
  • The role of templates in ensuring integrity of the assessment process is communicated
  • Reflection on own learning styles is demonstrated through evaluation of how it might influence own training
  • Strategies to adapt common learning activities to cater for a broader range of learning styles is known
  • Knowledge of the meaning of competency is demonstrated through development of criteria that can be used to determine competency
  • Relevance of judging competency within authentic workplace situations in explained
  • Dimensions of Competency are known, and their importance to ensuring vocational competence is explained
  • What constitutes a ‘good’ question is known, and knowledge o the six rules for creating good questions is demonstrated through writing a number of good questions
  • Appropriate information to provide to learners following their assessment is known, and ability to develop an appropriate form to communicate this feedback is demonstrated
  • Assessment tool is defined, and the need for an appropriate decision-making processes to determine the suitability of a tool is understood.
  • Information to be included in an Assessment Matrix is known, and a matrix is developed and used to inform a decision about which tool/s to use
  • Validation is defined, and its purpose is explained
  • The role of common validation purposes and who they involve is known
  • The legal basis for assessment and its validation is known, and knowledge of how to respond appropriately to uphold these laws is demonstrated
  • Common causes for inconsistent assessment results are described
  • Principles of Assessment are listed and defined, and indicators of their presence in assessment processes are known
  • Rules of Evidence are listed and defined, and indicators of their presence in assessment processes are known
  • Code of Practice for assessors is interpreted and applied to support the needs of a new trainer/assessor
  • Resources required to ensure appropriate validation processes are undertaken are known
  • People who could be involved in a validation meeting are identified and their potential role described
  • Components of a validation plan are known and this is demonstrated through development of a validation plan
  • The role of collaborating to improve the outcome of validation processes is known
  • Common outcomes of validation processes are recognised, and sources of information to support an understanding of these are located


February 4, 2025


February 4, 2025

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