With You Every Step of the Way

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With You Every Step of the Way
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Every now and then, a graduating student writes a review that we believe really captures what we try to do.  Instead of them ending up hidden among the others, we will share them with you, and try to explain why we think they are so appropriate.

Catherine: What did she say?
I struggle with online learning, as I am time poor and faced with constant priority shifts.
Fortress Learning was there every step of the way with support and encouragement with ways to help overcome the challenges and make it easier to get my work done.
Why did this particular testimonial comment get our attention?

“I struggle with online learning”, “I need to hold the paper in my hands”, “I learn best face-to-face” are statements we hear often from students during the initial stages of their enrolment with Fortress Learning.  They enrol, already partially defeated… almost expecting that they will not succeed.

These beliefs are absolutely valid… but, they are not necessarily truths.  They are beliefs that can be changed.

What is unfamiliar is often uncomfortable.. until it becomes familiar.  Online learning is unfamiliar to many people – just the words themselves evoke suffocation of misconceptions and assumptions – “I struggle with online learning”, “I need to hold the paper in my hands”, “I learn best face-to-face”...

But, as Catherine says – “Fortress will be with you every step of the way.”  With our support, we can assist you to overcome challenges – and, often these challenges are simply your beliefs (about online delivery and about yourself) getting in the way of your learning.

Our people, our resources, our learning materials and our open invitation to stay in close communication can give you the confidence to enter into the uncertainty and discover it’s pretty good after all. Not scary. Not too hard.  In fact – what were you worried about? You can do this!  You are doing this!

… Just like Catherine.


February 4, 2025


February 4, 2025

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