We know that taking a few minutes to complete this Survey will get us off to a good start, and save lots of time later.  We don’t want anyone to jump through hoops just for the sake of it.  That is why we have developed this three step process so you can move forward with both confidence and certainty.

Step 1: Identify which TAE course you are interested in and complete the accompanying Survey Questions as best you can. Then, send it in.

Step 2: We will develop a Personal Learning Plan to show how we believe your TAE program should be structured.  It will consider how to approach each unit, in which order and over what timeframe to meet your goals.

Step 3: Once you are enrolled, we set up your Dashboard and get started.  We stay close and change the program as new information comes in, or as your circumstances change.

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Section 1 - About you

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Section 2 - About your experience

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Section 3 – Thinking about your current situation

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Section 4 – About your future

What to do next?

Your next step will depend on whether you are currently enrolled or are inquiring (If that sounds a bit strange, it is because we use the same Survey for people who are inquiring as we do for people who have enrolled.)
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Survey 4: For TAE40116 Upgrade Option C only

Let's think about the last couple of years. How many times have you done each of the following
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Survey 1: For TAE40116 Full Course only

Let's think about the last couple of years. How many times have you done each of the following
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Survey 2: For TAE40116 Upgrade Option A only

Let's think about the last couple of years. How many times have you done each of the following
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Survey 3: For TAE40116 Upgrade Option B only

Let's think about the last couple of years. How many times have you done each of the following
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Survey 5: For TAE40116 Upgrade Option D only

Let's think about the last couple of years. How many times have you done each of the following
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Survey 6: For TAESS00014 Enterprise Trainer - Presenting Skill Set only

Let's think about the last couple of years. How many times have you done each of the following
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Survey 7: For TAESS00015 Enterprise Trainer and Assessor Skill Set only

Let's think about the last couple of years. How many times have you done each of the following
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Survey 8: For TAESS00011 Assessor Skill Set only

Let's think about the last couple of years. How many times have you done each of the following
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